Feeling Your Best from
Your Cells to Your Soul

Tracy Moran Oct 2023


You are a magical, creative soul with a purpose and gifts you’re meant to share. If you’re currently feeling depleted, anxious, having trouble sleeping, or have lost that sense of joy, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there. And there are effective ways to connect with your true Self and your ability to heal. You don’t have to go it alone. Let’s work together to find the best path for you right now so that you can experience truly more wellness through energy healing, meditation, movement and more.



Sacred Alchemy Sessions infuse the consciousness with healing energies for illumination, transformation and liberation.


Experience guided meditations that uplift your consciousness.

My Journey

I’ve always been curious, wanting to know the answers, find the Truth. That’s likely why I became a journalist and why I chose to minor in psychology. Even as I married and raised four children, I continued to search for answers to life’s eternal questions — Why am I here? What is my purpose? I found some answers in my religious faith but longed for more. Once I discovered yoga and meditation, a new path opened. Eventually, I was guided to study at a spiritual institute for nearly a decade. During that time, I was certified as a metaphysician, healer and associate teacher. These days I am a student at a contemporary wisdom school and research institute for esoteric and astrological studies.

My focus is expressing love and goodwill toward all, and my work is informed by an awareness of our inter-connectedness and the Divine energy that surrounds and imbues all things.

I recognize and honor that each one of us has a unique spiritual journey that is always unfolding. Yet we also thrive in community. That is why in addition to in-person healing sessions, I also lead weekly guided meditations online.

I hope you’ll join me on this wondrous journey!